Christian Institute of Health Sciences and Research

A NABH Pre-Accreditation Entry Level Hospital

Hospital Infection Control Committee (HICC)

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  5. Hospital Infection Control Committee (HICC)
Hospital infection control department in CIHSR helps to promote patient safety by reducing the risk of acquiring and transmitting infections in the healthcare setting and to be a leader in infection prevention & control.


  • Active education, training, and supervision of members of the healthcare team on aspects related to infection control
  • Performing active surveillance of hospital-acquired infections
  • Formulating and facilitating compliance to Infection Control Protocols
  • Providing advice on the decontamination of equipment


  • Director
  • Medical Superintendent
  • Nursing Superintendent
  • Chairman of HIC
  • Microbiologist
  • Anaesthetist
  • Intensivist
  • Nursing In charge – Intensive care
  • Operating Theatre In-charge
  • Hospital Infection Control Nurse
  • Clinical Pharmacist
  • Maintenance Engineer
  • Housekeeping Manager
  • A representative from the Quality department

Staff In Charge

Ms Theyiesinuo

Surveillance Done By HICC Department

  • Biomedical waste management regularly and gives monthly reports to the authority and to every department that generates biomedical waste in the hospital
  • Hand hygiene surveillance and present the reports every month to the concerned departments
  • Nosocomial infection surveillance on Central Associated bloodstream infection (CLABSI), Catheter-Associated Blood Stream Infection (CAUTI), Surgical Site Infection (SSI)
  • Housekeeping staff – method and frequency of cleaning
  • Storage of sterile packs, ensuring packs are within the expiry date
  • Preventing needle stick injuries and the protocol for NSI / mucosal exposure
  • Disinfectants used for linens in the laundry
  • A water surveillance report is received from the laboratory and is reported to the concerned authority /presented