Christian Institute of Health Sciences and Research

A NABH Pre-Accreditation Entry Level Hospital

Fire and Safety Department

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The department plays a specialized and critical role in ensuring the safety of patients, staff, visitors, and the facility itself.

Fire and Safety


The department plays a specialized and critical role in ensuring the safety of patients, staff, visitors, and the facility itself. Given the unique environment of a hospital, where vulnerable individuals are present, the department’s responsibilities are more focused on maintaining a safe and secure environment while minimizing disruptions to patient care.

  1. Fire Prevention and Safety Compliance
    • Inspections and Audits: Regularly inspecting the hospital’s infrastructure, including patient rooms, operating theatres, laboratories, and storage areas, to ensure compliance with fire safety codes and standards.
    • Fire Safety Equipment: Ensuring that fire alarms, smoke detectors, fire extinguishers, sprinkler systems, and emergency lighting are properly installed, maintained, and functioning.
    • Regulatory Compliance: Ensuring the hospital meets all local, state, and national fire safety regulations, including those specific to healthcare facilities.
  1. Emergency Response and Evacuation Planning
    • Evacuation Plans: Developing, implementing, and regularly updating emergency evacuation plans tailored to the hospital’s layout and patient needs. This includes special provisions for non-ambulatory patients, critical care units, and surgical areas.
    • Fire Drills: Conducting regular fire drills that involve hospital staff, including scenarios where patients need to be evacuated. These drills ensure everyone is familiar with their roles and responsibilities during an emergency.
    • Rapid Response Teams: Training and equipping rapid response teams within the hospital to handle fire-related emergencies and coordinate with external fire departments when necessary.
  1. Training and Education
    • Staff Training: Providing ongoing fire safety training for all hospital staff, including the use of fire extinguishers, evacuation procedures, and how to respond to fire alarms.


  1. Fire Risk Assessment
    • Risk Identification: Identifying potential fire hazards specific to hospital settings, such as oxygen storage, flammable chemicals, and electrical equipment used in medical procedures.
    • Risk Mitigation: Implementing measures to reduce identified risks, such as safe storage of hazardous materials, regular maintenance of electrical equipment, and ensuring clear signage for emergency exits.
  1. Coordination with External Agencies
    • Fire And Emergency Services: Working closely with the local fire department to ensure they are familiar with the hospital’s layout, fire safety systems, and emergency protocols.
    • Regulatory Bodies: Engaging with healthcare regulatory bodies to ensure the hospital adheres to the highest standards of fire and safety practices.
  1. Incident Management and Investigation
    • Fire Incident Response: Quickly responding to any fire incidents within the hospital to minimize damage and ensure the safety of all occupants.
    • Post-Incident Investigation: Conducting thorough investigations of any fire-related incidents to determine the cause and prevent future occurrences. This may involve working with external agencies if necessary.

Importance of the Fire and Safety Department in a Hospital:

Staff in Charge

Mr. Bendangsunep Longkumer